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Moisture prevention measures for Pan feeding Breeder equipment products

When it comes to hot weather, the chicken house of Pan feeding Breeder equipment products can be hot and humid. Excessive humidity in the house will seriously affect the growth and production of chickens, especially the production performance of laying hens.

When it comes to hot weather, the chicken house of Pan feeding Breeder equipment products can be hot and humid. Excessive humidity in the house will seriously affect the growth and production of chickens, especially the production performance of laying hens. This requires a good job of cooling, and also pay attention to prevent the chicken house from getting wet. The following will share the moisture-proof skills to reduce the equipment, let's learn together.

Pan feeding Breeder equipment products

1. In order to avoid the frequent occurrence of humidity in the chicken house of this equipment, when choosing the address of the chicken house, pay attention to choosing a place with high terrain and dryness, which is conducive to drainage and waterlogging prevention, ventilation, and a quiet environment. In addition, when setting the direction of the coop, pay attention to the coop facing south and keep it warm and humid.

2. In order to prevent the drinking fountain of Pan feeding Breeder equipment products from leaking, it is now a multi-layer cage. If the drinker leaks, the chickens below will get wet. If leaks are found, they should be sealed or replaced as appropriate. The floor of the chicken house should be cleaned and dried in time to solve the unfavorable factors of water vapor formation.

3. Maintain proper stocking density: Pan feeding Breeder equipment products should appropriately reduce stocking density in summer. If the stocking density is still high in summer, it is not only not conducive to the heat dissipation between the flocks, but also to the moisture-proof of the flocks.