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High end quality poultry farm equipment for brolier china should control the breeding density reasonably

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High end quality poultry farm equipment for brolier china should control the breeding density reasonably

When using high end quality poultry farm equipment for brolier china, the feeding density should also be reasonably configured, so what is the feeding density? What is the reproductive density? The average number of ducks per square meter of duck equipment is called the stocking density, so the feeding and drinking positions occupied by ducks per square meter are also a necessary condition for mastering the stocking density.

When using high end quality poultry farm equipment for brolier china, the feeding density should also be reasonably configured, so what is the feeding density? What is the reproductive density? The average number of ducks per square meter of duck equipment is called the stocking density, so the feeding and drinking positions occupied by ducks per square meter are also a necessary condition for mastering the stocking density.

high end quality poultry farm equipment for brolier china

If the feeding density is too high, it will cause the house to be crowded or even trampled; it will also increase the ambient temperature and humidity, making management more difficult; it will cause uneven feeding of the flock, and weaker ducklings will not be able to feed, resulting in Feeding is weak. However, if we breed at too low a density, it will result in an over-empty house.

The temperature and humidity of the house are also lower, which is not conducive to management. This wastes breeding space and reduces the profitability of the farm. Therefore, the breeding density should be reasonably controlled. The manufacturer of high end quality poultry farm equipment for brolier china reminds you that using high end quality poultry farm equipment for brolier china can reduce a lot of tedious farming and reduce your farming pressure.